White Bouquet with Roses and Peonies



3 reviews


The White Bouquet with Roses and Peonies combines white roses, chrysanthemums, and wax flowers with green button spray chrysanthemums. It Creats an elegant and pure arrangement. Also, this is Perfect for weddings, baby showers, or sympathy, this bouquet symbolizes new beginnings. Hand-tied and wrapped in green tissue paper offers a fresh, natural look ideal for special occasions or expressing heartfelt emotions.

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About this Item

Graceful White Peony and Rose Bouquet


The White Bouquet with Roses and Peonies is a timeless and elegant floral arrangement designed to evoke feelings of purity, simplicity, and grace. Featuring a beautiful blend of white roses, white chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, and white wax flowers, this bouquet offers a soft color palette perfect for various occasions. Whether you are celebrating a wedding, bridal shower, or baby shower, or expressing sympathy, this bouquet is an ideal choice.

The fresh combination of white and green hues exudes serenity and warmth, making it a thoughtful gift for loved ones. Also, the flowers are arranged loosely, hand-tied, and wrapped in green tissue paper, giving the bouquet a charming, rustic look. We also offer the convenience of next-day delivery across the UK, ensuring your flowers arrive fresh and ready to brighten someone’s day. Enjoy the extra benefits of on-time delivery, order tracking, and excellent customer service with every purchase.


Extra benefit of Luxury White Bouquet with Roses and Peonies


  • Safe and Secure Website: Your information is always protected.
  • Good Customer Service: We’re here to help, anytime.
  • On-Time Delivery: Your order arrives as promised.
  • Order Tracking: Track your order easily, in real time.
  • Delivery Confirmation: Get notified when your order arrives.
  • Accurate Orders: Receive exactly what you ordered.
  • Product Usability: Perfect for a variety of uses.

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Luxury, Signature, Standard

3 reviews for White Bouquet with Roses and Peonies

  1. Richard (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  2. Edward (verified owner)

    The product is firmly packed.

  3. Kai (verified owner)

    Good service.

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