White and Purple Bouquet



3 reviews

Original price was: £60.00.Current price is: £45.99.

The White and Purple Bouquet is a beautiful and elegant floral arrangement, perfect for any occasion. Featuring a mix of pristine white roses, calming lavender flowers, and lush green foliage, this bouquet offers a balance of grace and vibrancy. Wrapped in white paper and tied with a soft blue ribbon, it’s a charming gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or as a thoughtful get-well gesture. Its versatility makes it an ideal choice for both formal and informal settings, bringing joy to any recipient.

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About this Item

Romantic White and Purple Bouquet

The White and Purple Bouquet is a stunning floral arrangement designed to capture attention with its graceful color combination. The bouquet features fresh white roses, soft lavender-purple flowers, and a touch of greenery, all carefully arranged for a balanced and visually appealing presentation. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, sending congratulations, or simply showing appreciation, this bouquet is perfect for various occasions.

The bouquet is expertly wrapped in white paper and tied with a light blue ribbon, making it an elegant choice for both personal and professional settings. Additionally, we offer a 10% discount on every order and extra benefits such as on-time delivery, real-time order tracking, and delivery confirmation for peace of mind. Our flowers are fresh, accurately arranged, and delivered exactly as promised, ensuring you receive a quality product that’s perfect for your needs.

Extra benefit

  • Safe and Secure Website: Your information is always protected.
  • Good Customer Service: We’re here to help, anytime.
  • On-Time Delivery: Your order arrives as promised.
  • Order Tracking: Track your order easily, in real time.
  • Delivery Confirmation: Get notified when your order arrives.
  • Accurate Orders: Receive exactly what you ordered.
  • Product Usability: Perfect for a variety of uses.

3 reviews for White and Purple Bouquet

  1. Nolan (verified owner)

    Good service.

  2. Zane (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  3. Zane (verified owner)

    Very well worth the money.

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